
  • Luisa G. Granato Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina
  • María Leticia Móccero Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina




(This paper is part of a research project in the area of sociopragmatics, whose aim is to study the characteristics of the roles and ‘face’ of the participants projected in verbal encounters, both in Chile and Argentina. This article shows the results of an exploratory work on the evaluation of the way young university students interact. In the furtherance of this aim, fragments of conversations which form the corpus of the aforementioned project were utilized. A group of adult speakers were asked to listen to the recordings and to provide their opinion about the interactions in an ad hoc questionnaire. A table was designed on the basis of the responses obtained which organizes the responses given according to the area they refer to. The results obtained showed that the negative evaluations outnumbered considerably the positive evaluations. It was also made evident that the most criticized aspects in both countries were related to the topic of the conversations and to the interactive behaviour of the participants.)

Author Biography

Luisa G. Granato, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina

Este estudio se llevó a cabo en las sedes de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, con la participación de la Dra. Marcela Oyanedel, la Dra. Anamaría Harvey, Isabel Mizon, Ana María Franquesa y el Prof. Lésmer Montecino, quienes junto con las autoras forman parte del grupo ECLAR (El Español de Chile y Argentina)


2003-12-31 — Updated on 2003-12-31


How to Cite

Granato, L. G. ., & Móccero, M. L. . (2003). EVALUACIÓN DE LA INTERACCIÓN ENTRE JÓVENES UNIVERSITARIOS1. Onomázein, (8), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.7764/onomazein.8.04




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