Las corporaciones fintech y la transformación de la ciudad. El caso de Mercado Libre en Buenos Aires
Fintech Economy, Corporate Architecture, Urban Policies, Mercado Libre, Global Infrastructure SystemsAbstract
This research analyzes the location of the latest Mercado Libre headquarters inaugurated in the City of Buenos Aires before the Covid-19 pandemic. To do so, it first examines the development of corporations since the 20th century, as well as the main concepts surrounding fintech economies. This review serves to justify the selection of Mercado Libre as a case study, representing fintech corporate architecture at various scales, as it combines global and local elements in the context of the opportunities offered by the markets in which it operates, the urban policies, and the regulatory frameworks of the cities where it is established. The analysis focuses on two corporate headquarters of Mercado Libre, MeLi Dot and MeLi Tesla, inaugurated in 2018 and 2019, respectively. This article attempts to understand how the corporation interacts with and utilizes pre-existing urban resources and infrastructures.
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