Microspatial organization of services in non-durable consume in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, 1993-2018



service in non-durable consumes, microspatial organization, metropolitan area of Mexico City, territorial evolution of economic activity


As a former hypothesis there is considered the territorial organization of the service in non-durable consume has been transformed as a result of a services reterritorialization in the larger metropolises in this change of century. The objective of this paper deals with the analysis of the evolution of the microspatial configuration of this type of economic activity in a period of 1993 to 2018. This objective is reached by the study if the economic concentration identification measured through the gross domestic product, in order to define the predominant patterns and their changes in the analyzed period. In this way, there was used the Hoover Index and the “shift & share” technique in order to define the concentration level and the territorial changes generated by local factors. The results show a transformation of a past monocentric model, where there is still reminiscence at the end of the 20th century to a polycentic, where transition process was through a sprawl pattern. In this way, the trajectory of the microspatial organization of services of non-durable consume develops the traditional decentralization but since a subcenter segmentation.


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Author Biography

Fermín Alí Cruz Muñoz, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Lauro Aguirre #120, Colonia Agricultura, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, Código Postal: 14300, Distrito Federal


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How to Cite

Cruz Muñoz, F. A. (2025). Microspatial organization of services in non-durable consume in the metropolitan area of Mexico City, 1993-2018. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande. Retrieved from https://rda.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/74837


