SIRSD-S or the risks of a productivist problematization of degraded soils



Soils, degradation, problematization, productivism, Chile


Several studies have shown alarming levels of soil degradation in Chile, a fundamental pillar of biodiversity and food production. This recognition has led in recent decades to the implementation of soil governance, through which this situation can begin to be reversed. Adopting an analytical framework of social studies of soils, this article analyzes the main public instrument generated for this purpose, the "Incentive System for the Recovery of Degraded Soils" (SIRSD-S). By following its history and implementation in the Atacama Region, the article presents SIRSD-S as framed in a productivist problematization. From this approach, agricultural soils tend to be understood mainly as an inert infrastructure for food production, especially under a monoculture and export-oriented agroindustrial model. As a result, SIRSD-S tends to give primacy to action plans focused on the introduction of singular technical amendments focused on maintaining the current productivity of soils. By neglecting any recognition of soils as part of complex socio-ecologies, these measures fail to actually mitigate - and even help worsen - the conditions that led to the degradation of these soils in the first place. In the conclusions we will explore some changes to this policy that could help to actually achieve its initial goal of reducing the levels of agricultural soil degradation in Chile.


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How to Cite

Ureta, S., Otaegui, A., & Llona, M. (2024). SIRSD-S or the risks of a productivist problematization of degraded soils. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (88). Retrieved from


