Reconfiguration of the Periphery of Greater Santiago: Review of New Observed Trends




Urban Sprawl, Santiago de Chile, sheep jump


This Article shows how contemporary city growth (sprawl), modify the traditional configuration of the peri-urban areas, known commonly as peripherie. From the old sprawl ways, caracterized by congestion, continous extension, eclosion, atomization and internal divisions, which historically produced an excentric and assimetric phisical organization by the development in inter-axia spaces, we have deve oped today into a growth mode caracterised, in this ast 20 years, by sate isation process, se su icient iso ation, and de-structuration, which causes a phisica organisation caracterised by an heterogenious densi ication and a re-con iguration o the peripherie by ”sheep jumps".

The study of this types of phisical organization allows to claim that the knowledge to predict the orientation of real estate market and his potencial of ers of urban sites, constitutes a cientific and economic resource unavoidable to improve the spraw management. With this aim, I propose a study method of the future sprawl tendencies, which has or goal to forsee the territorial orientations o urban expansion. On this arguments, the article shows three possible scenarios for the future growth of the city of Santiago de Chile.



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Author Biography


Arquitecto, Master en Ciencias Sociales, Master en diseño urbano y Ordenamiento Territorial, Doctor en Geografía Urbana, Profesor e investigador Escuela de Arquitectura-USACH


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How to Cite

VIDAL ROJAS, R. (2021). Reconfiguration of the Periphery of Greater Santiago: Review of New Observed Trends. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (29), 39–55. Retrieved from


