Biogeographical study of the the coastal bluff of Punta Patache, Iquique, Chile


  • ISOLINA EGAÑA CONTRERAS Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • PILAR CERECEDA TRONCOSO Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • HORACIO LARRAIN BARROS Universidad Bolivariana
  • PABLO OSSES MCINTYRE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • MARTÍN FARÍAS SALVADOR Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Biogeography, fog, fog oasis and environmental indicators


In the fog oases of Punta Patache the vegetation distribution is mainly due to topographical features and micro-relief (altitude, orientation of slopes and substrate) which determining the fog water availability which constitutes the main source of water at place. The objective of this biogeographical study in this oasis was to determine the location and distribution of a particular class of vegetation (shrubs), and recognize their species and phytosociology in relationship to environmental indicators. A survey was done in two sectors of the coastal cliff showing different exposure to the predominant winds; in the 24 sampling sites selected, seven shrub species were found. The plants were measured and the associated herbs were analyzed. Parameters such as frequency, density and coverage were also studied.


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Author Biography

HORACIO LARRAIN BARROS, Universidad Bolivariana

Universidad Bolivariana, Iquique


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How to Cite

EGAÑA CONTRERAS, I., CERECEDA TRONCOSO, P., PINTO BAHAMONDE, R., LARRAIN BARROS, H. ., OSSES MCINTYRE, P. ., & FARÍAS SALVADOR, M. . (2021). Biogeographical study of the the coastal bluff of Punta Patache, Iquique, Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (31), 99–113. Retrieved from


