Land use planning in the country: Some elements for the formulation for the formulation of a State policy
Land management, Public policies, Economic developmentAbstract
In the present article, the need for a public policy on territorial management in the country is analyzed. This is a consequence to imporrunt changes taking place on the ferritory as a result of the developmenrs of the natian's ecmomy. In . thcit direction, the territorial management is cmceprualized, its current situalion is revised and the etensents which sbdd mnsíder a public uction un rhe subject are proposed. Also, the more inmediate tasks for its concretion are pointed out.
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How to Cite
MARQUEZ POBLETE, M. A. (1997). Land use planning in the country: Some elements for the formulation for the formulation of a State policy. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 19–22. Retrieved from