Public Policies and Territorial Occupation in the XI Region of Aysén


  • JORGE VILLAGRAN TORRES Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • ANDRES NUÑEZ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • RODRIGO HIDALGO DATTWYLER Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Public policies, occupation of the territory, Aysén, human settlements


This article shows the relationship between public policy and the occupation of the territory in the XI Region of Aysén along the XX Century. In general ternis. the occupation of the territory of Aysén introduces two fronts, eastern and occidental, prevailing the jirst. fillowing the valleys through spontaneous occupations and also specific State policies that have influenced in the creution of human settlements.


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How to Cite

VILLAGRAN TORRES, J., NUÑEZ, A., & HIDALGO DATTWYLER, R. (1997). Public Policies and Territorial Occupation in the XI Region of Aysén . Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (24), 11–18. Retrieved from




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