Morphosedimentological study of salt marshes of the Gulf of Ancud, Chile


  • BELISARIO ANDRADE Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Marshes, Estuaries


Geomorphological and sedimentological aspects of marshes associated with bay and estuarine bottoms in the Gulf of Ancud (730 long. W; 410 30'-420 15' lato S) are described in the framework of a research in progress.

Morphological aspects (schorre, slikke, geul and prielen) are similar to those described in other temperate regions, both in the regions, both in the northern and southern hemispheres.

In two of the cases studied, the current evolution seems to be characterized by erosion, linked to a recent variation of the relative position of the line of the relative position of the coastline, due to the May 1960 earthquake. The material filling the marshes, which has been the subject of this study, presents a great granulometric variety, varying from pelitic sediments in the inner part to sandy and even stony sediments in the outer parts.

external parts.

Anthropic actions unbalance the stability of certain marshes.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE, B. (1985). Morphosedimentological study of salt marshes of the Gulf of Ancud, Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (12), 27–33. Retrieved from




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