Revealing the seismic risk in the piedemont of Santiago, Chile

Multi-criteria analysis for the determination of vulnerability in the San Ramón fault (FSR)


  • Jorge Inzulza Contardo Universidad de Chile
  • Miguel Curihuinca Curihuinca Universidad de Chile
  • Gabriel Easton Vargas Universidad de Chile
  • Sonia Pérez Tello Universidad de Chile


habitability, seismic risk, vulnerability, urban planning, Santiago, San Ramón fault


Inhabiting the territory in a sustainable way is a great challenge nowadays by considering the relationship between the built environment and the natural environment and, even more, if they are affected by some type of natural risk. Santiago de Chile has showed an accelerated urbanization in its Andean foothills in recent decades, identifying at least 6 districts - Vitacura, Las Condes, La Reina, Peñalolén, La Florida and Puente Alto - with residential areas and critical infrastructure located in the San Ramón fault (FSR) and in its direct risk area, in addition to Pirque and Lo Barnechea. The paper identifies levels of habitability within this risk area through a georeferenced survey and a multi-criteria analysis including physical, socioeconomic, settlements and critical infrastructure index, which provide a metropolitan scenario of vulnerability as a result. It is concluded that the knowledge of the habitability around the San Ramón fault is instructive to advance in strategic urban planning that incorporates this type of geological risk. It is concluded that the knowledge of the habitability and vulnerability around the San Ramón Fault contribute to a more systemic and integrated vision of the piedmont and thus to be included in normative instruments and new investigations that can include risk management at the community level.


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How to Cite

Inzulza Contardo, J., Curihuinca Curihuinca, M. ., Easton Vargas, G., & Pérez Tello, S. (2022). Revealing the seismic risk in the piedemont of Santiago, Chile: Multi-criteria analysis for the determination of vulnerability in the San Ramón fault (FSR). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (81), 305–330. Retrieved from


