Three Latin American countries with widespread populist attitudes are analyzed. It is pro¬posed that there are different patterns of populist attitudes if the phenomenon is studied from a multidimensional approach, relating populist attitudes with other variables, beyond the left-right axis. 3,800 surveys were administered, identifying four patterns of populist attitudes: Anti-Populist Authoritarian of the Center Right, Populist Authoritarian Con¬servative Interventionist of the Center, Right Pro-Democratic Market and Populist of the Left, Liberal, Democrat, Interventionist. Three Latin American countries with widespread populist attitudes are analyzed. It is pro¬posed that there are different patterns of populist attitudes if the phenomenon is studied from a multidimensional approach, relating populist attitudes with other variables, beyond the left-right axis. 3,800 surveys were administered, identifying four patterns of populist attitudes: Anti-Populist Authoritarian of the Center Right, Populist Authoritarian Con¬servative Interventionist of the Center, Right Pro-Democratic Market and Populist of the Left, Liberal, Democrat, Interventionist.